Cheers to New Beginnings

Welcome back to Micala Style! I apologize for the longest hiatus ever – I promise it was very unexpected to me as well. When I stopped posting on here a whole year and a half ago (crazy!) I was in a bad mental state. I felt stagnant and needed change. I had no motivation to blog, write, post, style, or anything I loved really! I knew I needed some kind of change, so I picked up the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and that’s when I began working on ‘myself.’  I became addicted to the readings of “The Secret” and followed up with the series: The Power, The Magic, Hero, and The Greatest Secret. Although I was always grateful in my life, these books really went into great depth on how to be grateful, and to practice gratefulness every single day – multiple times a day.

“The Magic” really hit home for me, as it’s a workbook where you practice different acts of gratefulness. I wrote in multiple different journals every day on what I was grateful for, exactly what I wanted in life, who I wanted in life, and why I loved my life as it was too. I basically manifested the life I wanted, as Rhonda Byrne swore in this book series that it would happen. These books truly did change my life, as within a few months my life began to do a complete unexpected 180.

I really began to focus and be consistent with these practices at the beginning of 2022, and as time progressed I slowly began doing more productive things like working promos again. By the end of 2022, my life had already changed! Growing up in small towns, I always wanted to live in a city where I had more opportunity, and when I had the chance to move to Las Vegas, Nevada, I did.  It was the first time I lived alone, and after I moved here with no plan, I ended up getting a good job within 4 days of being here. I made so many new friends within the first month – friends that truly care about me like I haven’t had in awhile.

Not only was I making fast money like never before, meeting new people, and had an amazing space living alone – I also ended up meeting my soulmate less than 2 months of living here. Only 1 year ago I was in a stagnant place, and now the past 8 months of living in Las Vegas has been an absolute dream! And I’m not exaggerating when I say it keeps getting better each month too. I wanted to share this part of my life on here in case it helps someone else out there that’s struggling. And just know it can and will get better if you manifest it and be grateful!

I’m so incredibly grateful to finally be back doing what I love, now that I’m more settled here in Las Vegas. I recently moved into my forever home –  so I have months and months of upcoming home decor inspiration posts! Although I’m still doing wardrobe styling, Micala Style has become a full destination of lifestyle (like how I first started), which includes clothing style, home decor, Las Vegas adventures and places to go, reviews, and anything else on my mind I want to share!

Thank you to those who stuck by my side and encouraged me to continue blogging. I have so much content ideas and excited to post my Las Vegas adventures from the past few months in the next post! See you there! 🥂


welcome to Las Vegas sign photo

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